We often meet people who buy stock boxes over the internet, from an office supply company, or even a local moving and storage operation. These RSC style STOCK boxes are typically available in Kraft 32 ECT board and available in the most common and popular standard sizes.
Have you outgrown your stock box supplier?
Buying a standard size box in small quantities is indeed the right thing to do when you are first getting started and perhaps buying as few as twenty-five or fifty boxes at one time. However, as your usage increases and you begin purchasing hundreds of boxes, you may be paying a great deal more than necessary for the convenience and small order capability you no longer need.
To put it plainly, if you are buying hundreds of boxes at one time, you no longer have to buy off the shelf and a short, custom run can be a much better deal for you.
Made to order RSC boxes!
Why would you want to go through the “trouble” of custom boxes? Here are a few great reasons:
- You can decide on the board grade being used. If you need something a little different than standard 32 ECT or 200# test board most stock box makers use, your boxes can be made using a heavier (or lighter) board.
- Most stock boxes are Kraft (brown) but you can also order white if that is your preference.
- You can have the EXACT size you need.
Perhaps 12x12x12 is a good fit for you but what if the true correct size is really 11” X 10-1/2” X 9-1/2”? You can get the size you need without any tooling costs.
- Right sizing a box saves money on the box as well as inbound (to you) and outbound (to your customer) shipping costs.
- Right sizing can also prevent damage and eliminate expensive filler or cushioning material.
- Adding branding will only add a few cents of cost in most cases. Boxes with your logo and brand are affordable and only require a small one time investment in print plates.
The custom box minimum is lower than you think
If the box you need is smaller than one cubic foot (12”x12”x12”) the MOQ is 1, 000 boxes. If it is larger, the MOQ is 500. Obviously the key cost factor is set up time so the price per box is greatly reduced as your order quantity increases. People ordering thousands of stock, unprinted boxes can easily afford a custom size and a custom brand and in most cases their cost per box is actually reduced.
Is a custom box run in your best interest? Is a mailer envelope or a die cut mailer box a better shipping container for your product and customers? We can help you determine that with quick, no cost, no obligation, application review.