If you are reading this, you probably just got an unsightly scratch on your car’s paint. Like most people, you are probably not a scratch wizard or a bodywork specialist, but with a little guidance and good products you can do a great DIY car paint repair job.
How to Fix Minor Car Scratches
Maybe you need to fix slightly keyed car paint and are now in need of a small car scratch repair. Avoid spending hundreds of dollars at a shop for a car paint scratches removal service. You can easily fix minor car scratches with a touch up paint pen. Clean off the area using soapy water and then a wax & grease remover. Apply several coats of your paint color with the pen, letting it dry between coats. Next use clearcoat over the new paint. Finally, use rubbing compound (essentially car scratch polish) to polish the area so it is shiny. For more information about using paint pens, watch our touch up paint videos.
DIY Car Scratch Repair for Several Paint Chips
If your car has a bunch of paint chips and you want to fix it, auto paint in a bottle is the way to go. The touch up paint bottles are 2 ounces in size, and are how to take off many scratches on a car. Follow the same guidelines for the touch up paint pen, except you will be using a brush rather than a pen tip for the car scratch repair.
Repairing a Large Area of Chips and Scratches
If your car has some serious paint scratches and chips, we advise using spray paint cans of touch up paint for the job. Spray cans are 12.5 ounces and can cover a large area of damaged paint. If your car is dented, you will want to order spot putty and some light weight autobody filler. You will use these products first before applying automotive paint with a spray can.
Other Tips and Tricks for Fixing Car Paint Scratches
- If you get paint on your skin, remove it with a paint thinner then wash thoroughly with soap and water.
- Only use the paint pen on areas smaller than a pencil eraser.
- Practice applying touch up paint to a smooth surface before using it on your car.
- If something goes wrong and the paint drips on your car, use an automotive lacquer thinner to remove it and start over.
- Make sure to wear a respirator!
The Best Way to Repair Car Scratches
Do it your self car scratch repair using automotive touch up paint is absolutely the best choice. You will save several hundred dollars and your car will come out looking great as long as you use high quality car paint, follow the instructions, and are patient (remember to let the paint dry between coats!).
Ordering Paint for Car Scratch Repair
You can minimize your car paint scratch repair cost and get excellent results using our high quality automotive touch up paint. To get started,