Horse shipping rates

December 17, 2015

Misty Horses

horse shipping calculatorIf you are looking for a horse shipping calculator, we can tell you that prices vary depending on if you are transporting your horse intra-state or across the country or even across international border. If it is just locally, some horse transport companies charge $1 per mile (plus tolls as applicable). This includes unloaded miles to and from the pick up location. Usually there is a minimum charge of approximately $100. Other haulers can charge around $2 per loaded mile, plus there are additional charges for loading, unloading, wait time, and charges such as tolls and the like.

Long haul routes – out-of-state – is usually based on a contract price. This is determined by how horses are in the load that are headed in the same direction. This sometimes requires that you to wait until a full load is been booked.

Here are some sample horse shipping rates:

Horse transport rate cost from South Florida to New York state

Expect to pay between $900 to $1, 350 per horse.

Horse transport rate cost from California to New York or Pennsylvania

Transit rate of $2, 600 to $3, 200 per horse

Horse transport rate cost from New York to Kentucky

Transport rate of $650 per horse

Horse transport rate cost from Lexington, Kentucky to Texas

$1, 900 per horse

Horse shipping rate considerations

When our experts at HorseShipUSA price horse shipping, they take in to consideration the distance and the location difficulty. If the trip covers a regular route in our system it is definitely more direct, efficient and possibly less expensive. If the van is running with less than four horses on it it is usually more expensive. we serve the eastern USA and Canada so our vans travel up and down the I-75 and I-95 Corridor. We also do runs between California and the eastern USA.

We hope you find these rates helpful. If you would like a guaranteed quote, please call us! We can be your personal horse transportation rate calculator. We promise to be your guide with with the best possible horse transportation solution for your needs. We can find the right rate and level of service for your needs. CLICK HERE to contact us now for best horse transportation rates


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